Saturday, August 2, 2008

Comic Con - Tuesday

So yeah, still alive, apparently. :) Since I attended Comic Con this year, I needed somewhere to put my ramblings about the goings on. And wait, I have a blog! How perfect is that!

Yeah, yeah... I always have the best intentions, and never follow though. :)

So anyway, on to the actual meat of the post. Mmmm... meat.

So, since last time I went I didn't actually get to see much of San Diego, I decided it would be a great idea to spend an extra day down there. Cause if I'm spending the money to fly down there, it is a good idea if I actually get to see some of where I'm flying *to*. So I got up SUPER early in the morning (2:30 - and for anyone who knows me, they know I am NOT a morning person, so 2:30 doesn't normally even exist for me). I was supposed to fly out of SEA at about 7:00 (flights out of SEA were about $350 less than out of YVR). Parked, and got to the airport in time. Only to find out there was an issue with my flight - so United was bumping me to Alaska. Except, it was now a direct flight, and leaving at 9:00 A.M.! I'm like, I soooo could have slept another two hours! D'oh!

So anyway, the flight to SAN was uneventful. But got there, and discovered my cell won't work in the US (damn you, pay as you go). So I had no way to reach Eric, and tell him I had arrived at a different gate. Oh well, we found each other eventually, and hopped a taxi to the hotel.

I really wanted a nap when I got there, but I was kinda wired. And hungry. So we left, and went for lunch. Had some yummy pizza. Then went to the grocery store to load ourselves up with snacks for the Con. Cause buying food at the Convention Centre is kinda ridiculous, and plus, there isn't really time with all the panels! So carry-able food is always great. Plus, we had a fridge in our room, which was awesome. SO much nicer than the hotel we stayed at last time (Best Western Bayside this time). No homeless people sleeping outside our window. And a bathroom you could actually move around in! Though, as we would later discover, being close to the train tracks SUCKS ASS.

Anyway, after shopping, I did have my nap. Yay for naps! Then we wandered around down by the water for a bit, walking past the big ol' aircraft carriers. Had some frozen yogurt down by the water. Seriously, low fat fro yo is just - blech. Gotta go full fat, for the taste!

So that was pretty much our Tuesday. Not overly exciting. Went to bed early, 'cause Wed. was going to be busy!

1 comment:

CSTS Vancouver said...

I got up at 1:30 am to catch my 6 am flight from YVR on Wednesday (United via San Francisco).

We should have talked before we left - I could have told you your phone wouldn't work - that's why I bought a cheap one I could use there.