Sunday, September 7, 2008

Stalking the SN boys - Red Bull Soapbox Race

So, the SN boys actually made a public appearance in Vancouver. Considering how much time they spend up here, ya think we would see them out and about more often. Well, *I'd* certainly like to have them out and about more often. A girl can dream, right?

Anyway, I got up bright and early (yes, I had to set my alarm on a SUNDAY) to get there, find parking, and get a good spot. Was able to meet up with a lovely person from TWOP. She had heard my pleas about not wanting to show up sad and alone, so we decided to squee together. Despite being total strangers. I love meeting other fans. We're cool folk. :)

We parked ourselves RIGHT by the starting line. And we kept our eyes peeled. Every time I saw a really tall guy walking through the crowd, I had to sneak a peek. I saw quite a few guys with Jared hair, which kinda threw me for a loop. But I don't know why I bothered. When the boys showed up - there was absolutely NO mistaking them. They are just so... so... *them*. Seriously, those are not faces you can mistake for anybody else. Perfection cannot be duplicated.

Anyway, I think they arrived at about 1:15 or so, as their race was at 2:00. They hung out up at the Judge's booth for a while. One of the hosts asked a question - and I have to say, Jared's Texan accent was out in full force. Yup, I'm pretty sure I just died and went to heaven. Seriously, I could listen to that boy talk all day. And in true Dean style - Jensen was stuffing his face. No idea with what, but they obviously had snacks of some sort up there!

They went down to sit in "the pit" to prepare for their race. Again, I think I just about died when they pulled out Canucks Jerseys. But, then I saw that they were PERSONALIZED. Seriously, for a Vancouverite, the boys in Canucks Jerseys.... *explodes*

Jared was asked who was going to win, and responded by calling Jensen a weiner. Hee. And to note, Jensen was racing for Doctors Without Borders, and Jared was racing for St. Jude's Children's Hospital. The winner got $1000.00 for their charity; the loser, $500.00. So both charities come out ahead.

Anyway, up to this point in time, I'd been standing with two other girls with cameras, trying not to look like a total stalker. All three of us pretty much had our lenses trained on the boys. I'm like, I feel like such a paparazzi! I'm such a stalker! I'm so lame! But then I looked at my pictures, and damn, I'm glad I've got them. Screw looking like a crazy fan girl - it was so worth it!

Back to regularly scheduled programming.

As soon as the boys were off - so were we. We hightailed our asses down to the finish line. Yes, we actually RAN. And it was HOT out dammit! We didn't really see the full part of the race, just caught bits and pieces on the screen as we were hoofing it down there. Jared *totally* kicked Jensen's ass. That's my puppy. :)

So the boys hung out at the bottom for a bit. I got a couple more pictures. Jared was totally being his puppy self. One of the teams wiped out, and he got up to get a closer look. Then he came back to Jensen, and did the whole "dude, did you SEE that" thing. Gawd, that boy is such a puppy! There really isn't a better description. It suits him to a T.

We were down there for all of about 4 minutes, when the boys got carted off to get back up to the top. So off we were again. But this time, it was uphill, so a little less running was involved. Seriously folks, it was HOT out!

But when we got back up to the top, the boys pretty much left. I guess they weren't going to stick around, or sign autographs or anything. Oh well, at least I got to see the pretty.

So yeah, looking at my photos... they are kinda Jared heavy. I used to be such a Jensen girl - but something about seeing Jared in person makes you change your opinion of him. He's just a little kid, stuck in a big kid's body. He's a lot like me. But a dude. And hot.

Anyway, I stopped for Chinese food on the way home (because I'd made it to like 4:00 on one bowl of Honey Nut Cheerios), and ended up burning my tongue.


And to note: If I can successfully upload my clips to youtube, I will post the link here. I am sending all my photos to JRAUnlimited, so look there.

1 comment:

Sister Spooky said...

Thank you so much for this great report!! I can't wait to see your pics and video. As a fellow Jared!Girl, I'm really excited since you said they were Jared heavy. Thanks again!
